Quittpad saddle-shaped underlay "wave icelandic" contact
The comfort pad is designed to give the horse noticeably more freedom of movement in the back. It supports muscle development and provides the horse with significantly more freedom for shoulder movements.
Our square horses often face challenges due to a relatively short saddle support in relation to the saddle's contact surface. Therefore, many of our horses wear saddles that are on the long side, or "just right for the beer," so that the rider can be in the saddle. This means that the horse's freedom of movement is often restricted, and the horse tenses in its musculature.
The comfort models from Quittpad counteract these tensions by giving the horse noticeably more freedom of movement in the shoulder and loin. The pressure-distributing and simultaneously flexible construction of the pad allows the horse's shoulders to move underneath the pad. As the saddle "settles" into the pad, the saddle's balance can only be assessed with the rider.
This pad is made to fit the shape of Icelandic saddles.